Protecting your garden from pests and insects is even more important than growing plants. Why? Because no garden is safe from pests and insects that can eat away your fruits of labour. In order to reap full benefits from your green space, you must spray good pesticides to protect your plants. However, the pesticides available at the local gardening stores are usually loaded with chemicals, which can surely kill the insects, but pose a threat to the environment.
Moreover, if you consume fruits and veggies that have been sprayed with a harsh insecticide spray, you can also experience its harmful effects. If after reading all of this, you are wondering how you could possibly avoid the store-bought pesticide – then you have landed on the right page. In this blog, we will discuss some of the best organic homemade pesticides for your garden.
Without further ado, let’s get started.
Organic Homemade Pesticides for Your Garden
Having a property with a garden has its own advantages and disadvantages. A green space of your own is every nature lover’s dream. You can unwind, relax and enjoy with your loved ones in the privacy of your homes. However, having a garden means bearing with insects, lizards and pests.
Most homeowners buy pesticides that kill insects, but poison the fruits and vegetables they grow. Any when they consume these fruits and veggies it leaves an adverse effect on their health. You don’t necessarily have to invest in a bunch of store-bought insecticides that are harmful for your health. Instead, make these organic homemade pesticides that can keep the insects away, without poisoning the plants. The best part is you can make these DIY pesticides at home from the ingredients available in the kitchen.
Here’s a list of fungicides and homemade pesticides that you can make on your own for getting rid of garden pests.
- Neem oil spray
- Garlic spray
- Oil spray
- Chilli pepper spray
- Tomato leaf spray
- Soap spray
Let us discuss each of these DIY insecticide sprays for your garden.
Neem oil spray

In order to have an edible organic garden of your own, you need to maintain garden hygiene. Keep the area around fruit trees and your vegetable patch clean from any debris. There are fallen twigs and leaves that accumulate and become a breeding ground for insects and pests. The insects find the perfect place to hide away from birds. Apart from the carefully laden mulch, remove all other debris.
Once you have done the cleaning bit, now is the time to use these homemade organic pesticides. The neem oil spray is one of the best natural insecticides for your garden. You need to add two teaspoons full of pure neem oil and about three teaspoons of castile soap or any other organic soap in a litre of warm water. Shake it well and then spray it every day until the insects that you see on the plants have been eradicated.
If you want to control other fungal infections like powdery mildew, then spray the mixture onto the plants twice a week to kill off pests and insects.
Garlic spray

Take about one tablespoon of garlic powder and boil it in a litre of water. Or if you don’t have garlic powder at home then use fresh garlic peels. When you peel a garlic, don’t throw away its peels.
Soak them in warm water for about 24 hours. The more the garlic peels the better concentrated garlic spray would be. There will be a pungent smell of garlic. Strain some of the mixture in a spray bottle and dilute it with more water till the desired dilution is achieved.
Oil spray

Oil can block the pores of an insect, killing it eventually. In order to make a homemade organic pesticide, use 1 small cup of pure organic olive oil in three litres of warm water. You can substitute it for some vegetable oil, but that won’t be organic. Spray the organic oil spray every 2-3 weeks throughout the growing season to control insects.
Chilli pepper spray

This is made from red chillies. You can make the chilli spray using the same method as that of the garlic spray. Crush some red chillies or take about a tablespoon full of crushed red chillies and soak them in boiling water for about 24 hours.
Make sure you are wearing gloves when working on this DIY insecticide. Strain the mixture using a coffee filter and add additional 3 litres of water and a cup of olive oil or any vegetable oil. Fill the spray bottle with this liquid and spray it on the fruiting trees. It is recommended to spray the insecticide near sunset in the evening. Don’t spray insecticides on plants during peak hours of the day.
Tomato leaf spray

The leaves of a tomato contain a natural insecticide called ‘tomatine’ which is extremely effective in controlling insects such as aphids and other soft-body pests.
In order to make a tomato leaf natural pesticide, simply add two small cups of finely chopped tomato leaves. Use the tomato leaves from the bottom of the plant. Add these tomato leaves to one litre warm water. Allow the tomato leaves to stand overnight. Now, strain and spray the tomato leaf spray for at least three consecutive evenings in order to ward off aphids and other insects.
Soap spray

This one is relatively simple to make. Use liquid soap that is chemical free and is organic. Add two tablespoons of liquid soap in a litre of water and spray it on plants every evening to ward off pests or until you see no sign of insects or pests. This spray also keeps indoor plants free from bugs. It is an all-year round spray and can be used both for outdoor and indoor plants. Make sure that the soil does not become waterlogged.
So, these were some of the best homemade organic pesticides that you can make on your own. Remember to spray these natural pesticides during non-peak sun hours. If you are looking for more DIY projects, then take a look at these fun and creative garden decor ideas using tyres.
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