Whether you are short on cash or simply looking for ways to generate additional income, using your house to earn a little extra on the side is probably your best option. Of course, the easiest way to make money from your property is to sell it. However, if you want to create a steady stream of revenue, there are quite a few innovative ways you can do so without parting from your most prized asset.
With inflation in Pakistan reaching a record high, it is not surprising for homeowners to seek small business opportunities that require minimal investment and relatively high returns. If you are in the same boat, we have highlighted eight businesses that you can literally run from your home. However, please note that some of these ideas may not cost much, though others may require permits or an investment.
Without further ado, let’s look at some tips on how to make money from your property in Pakistan while keeping the ownership intact.
How to Make Money from Your Property in Pakistan
A home-based business is an excellent way of creating a sustainable income. So, if you are looking for ways to pay your debt or trying to save for a rainy day, here are some creative ways you can use your house, land, or other property to earn some extra cash.
Rent Out a Portion of Your Property

One of the best ways to make money with an empty house is to rent it out either completely or partially. It is among the easiest options to make some wealth and generate a stable monthly income through real estate.
Moreover, finding tenants looking for residential properties is easier than you would think. All you have to do is take great listing photos and upload them on – the top real estate portal in Pakistan – along with a basic description of your unit and your contact details.
There are also no legal issues involved in renting out a property located in a residential zone – as long as homeowners are perfectly okay with it. You can decide on monthly rent as per the current market conditions. Nevertheless, if you feel like you are completely out of your depth with the paperwork and other details, please remember that involving a real estate agent can be a good choice in such situations.
Host Formal and Informal Events

If your property isn’t vacant, there are still ways to utilise it for profit without renting it out on a permanent basis. In fact, you can easily make money with extra space in your house by hosting formal and informal events right in your backyard. Moreover, these events don’t have to be large. Even if your house can only accommodate a small number of people at a time, it will be perfect for small gatherings or more intimate get-togethers.
Furthermore, if your house has a swimming pool, you can rent it out as well – especially during the summer months. You can also arrange poolside parties or host small wedding ceremonies in that space by teaming up with an event management company in your city. However, please make sure that all the activities in the event are legal and do not require special permits or violate any laws.
Turn Your Home into a Bed and Breakfast

The next in our list of tips to make money through real estate is to turn your home into a bed and breakfast. In other words, you can convert a portion of your residence into a guest house for tourists. The best thing about this idea is that you have some control over which patrons to accept and how to cater to them.
However, renting out your spare room to paying guests is not enough to bring in a steady stream of income. You will have to make sure you are providing the customers with basic amenities to ensure a comfortable experience. For example, you can start by stocking the bathroom with sample-size toiletries, towels, and other necessities that travellers may require.
On the other hand, you can also work with a local tourism company or a guide who can offer additional services to guests who aren’t familiar with the city.
Board Pets for Owners

You can also make money from your property by boarding other people’s pets in your house. If you have lots of empty space available, you can even consider building a full-fledged pet shelter in your backyard. However, if you don’t have enough space or sufficient funds, you can simply go for in-house boarding and use the profit as capital later.
Though before you decide to offer in-house pet boarding services, make sure your family members are not allergic to certain pets. In addition, you must ensure that you have enough space to keep cats, dogs, or other animals happy and well-nourished while their owner is away. To get started, just use your social media platforms to list your house as a pet boarding destination. Also, don’t forget to add the services, fees, and availability.
It is also pertinent to understand that boarding pets may require a lot of work. So, you cannot treat it like a side hustle as it will require your undivided attention.
Start an Organic Home Garden

Setting up a small garden is also an excellent way to make money with extra space in your house. If you live on a property with a large lawn or backyard, you can utilise the space by planting various vegetables, fruits, and herbs. With the growing demand for organic produce in the market, you may be able to fetch a good price for your efforts.
Though before you begin, do some research on the soil and determine which plants are more likely to thrive in your particular environment. Also, don’t forget to check out our list of essential home gardening tools for some inspiration.
Meanwhile, people who live in rural set-ups can rent out a portion of their land to local farmers against a seasonal fee to earn passive income. However, in this situation, you will probably have to share the responsibilities of maintenance and work on the land. Furthermore, if you have a large garden, you can even consider bee farming.
Rent Out a Parking Spot

Do you have an empty parking spot outside your home? If yes, you can rent it out to a neighbour or anyone else living in the vicinity for a monthly fee. It is a relatively easy way to make money from your property in Pakistan as it likely won’t require you to get any permits – unless you have a large parking lot that you are renting out to a nearby small business.
Since many start-ups are based in houses and apartments, their employees are almost always looking for safe and secure parking spaces at a short distance. So, if you live in proximity to any such workplaces, your empty parking lot may fetch a relatively high price. Nonetheless, before you list your driveway for parking, please check with the local authorities or neighbourhood association to ensure you aren’t breaking any bylaws.
Store Other People’s Stuff

Self-storage units may be a norm in most developed countries, but they are not common in Pakistan. That means there is presently a market for safe storage spaces that are both affordable and easily accessible. If you are looking for tips to make money with extra space in your house, you can consider turning your space into a storage facility where people can keep their belongings for a particular amount of time.
Whether you have a garage that is filled with junk or a large storeroom with plenty of empty space, you may be able to earn a pretty penny for renting it out to friends and acquaintances. However, please make a detailed inventory of what is being stored in your home to avoid any disputes in the future. Moreover, make sure the owner is not storing anything illegal on your property that could get you into trouble.
Make Your Home A Star

Do you have a sleek and modern kitchen that would look perfect on the cover of a magazine? Does your beautifully landscaped garden look like a perfect backdrop for photoshoots? If your home looks aesthetically appealing, you can consider renting it out to production companies for commercials, wedding photoshoots, commercials, film shootings, and much more.
One of the best things about this idea is that you can earn a significant sum for lending your space to others only for a few hours, days, or weeks. Of course, the location and style of your home also play a huge role in determining how much you are able to earn by renting it out, but these contracts are usually short-term, compared to regular tenant agreements, which have a span of 12 months.
On the flip side, the camera crew and other staff members entering and exiting your property at all hours of the day can cause some disturbance for those living in the neighbourhood. Therefore, make sure to apply for relevant permits, inform your neighbours in advance, and ask the team to keep the noise to a minimum.
What to Keep in Mind Before Making Money Off Your Property?

As exciting as it may sound, these tips to make money from your property in Pakistan are prone to risks. In addition, they can damage your property if you don’t take adequate measures. Therefore, it is important to protect your home and avoid any loss by following the following precautions:
Study Local Laws
The first step to generating income from your property is to check out the local laws. You need to ensure that you are not accidentally breaking any rules and regulations set by your housing society or the government. If conflicted, consider contacting an experienced real estate agent for clarification or directly call the concerned department for details.
Homeowners must also complete all the paperwork before renting out their space for any purpose.
Install a Security System
Since your home is probably one of your biggest assets, you have to be vigilant about its safety. Regardless of whether you are getting long-term tenants, hosting small parties, or renting out your space storage, it is always recommended to install a modern surveillance system on all entry and exit points.
Here is what you should know about buying a home security system in Pakistan.
Keep Strangers at Bay
Never let anyone enter your home without your approval or good reasoning. Even if you have rented out your property for a commercial shoot, ask the production company to provide a list of people who are scheduled to visit the site. If this is not possible, it may be a good idea to ask a member of the crew to identify any stranger trying to gain access to your space.
To conclude, there are a lot of ways to make money from your property in Pakistan. Though no matter which option you choose, make sure you are not violating any rules or putting your safety at risk.
Meanwhile, if you want to learn about property buying and selling laws or are interested in property inheritance laws in the country, our detailed guides on these topics will surely help you out.
For more tips on property management, stay connected to Zameen Blog – the top real estate blog in Pakistan. You can also share your thoughts and comments with us by dropping an email at Also, visit and like our Facebook page to stay up-to-date about the latest investment opportunities in your city.