Home » Laws & Taxes » All You Need to Know about PM’s Kamyab Jawan Programme
In This Post
– Overview
– Hunarmand Pakistan
– Startup Pakistan
– Youth Entrepreneurship Scheme
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Update (August 31, 2022)
Government to Merge Kamyab Pakistan with Kamyab Jawan Programme
The Government of Pakistan has decided to merge the flagship Kamyab Jawan Programme launched by the former prime minister with the Kamyab Pakistan Programme.
According to the reports, Federal Minister for Finance Miftah Ismail made the announcement during a recent meeting of the steering committee on the Kamyab Pakistan Programme. He also stated that the Prime Minister’s Office will handle the merged initiative under the leadership of the Special Assistant to Prime Minister (SAPM) on Youth Affairs.
Furthermore, the Finance Division plans to comprehensively support the programme and aims to apportion a greater amount of funds for the victims of the devastating monsoon floods in the country.
Update (May 26, 2021)
Encouraging the young generation to take full advantage of the federal government’s flagship Kamyab Jawan Programme, Prime Minister of Pakistan Imran Khan said 170,000 scholarships have been allocated for the skill development of the youth across the country.
Speaking in a video message, the premier added that 50,000 scholarships will be awarded for hi-tech skills, which include big data and artificial intelligence.
Moreover, the PM said the government has allocated funds worth PKR 100 billion under Kamyab Jawan Program to assist youth in starting their own business. He further added the programme will soon be expanded to help more young individuals.
Update (March 16, 2021)
You can now enrol for free courses at the University of Lahore (UOL) under Prime Minister Imran Khan’s Kamyab Jawan Hunarmand Pakistan (Skills for All) Programme.
The last date to apply for admission in Batch II of the programme at UOL is March 23, 2021.
How to Apply
Step 1: Visit the official website of the National Vocational and Technical Training Commission (NAVTTC)
Step 2: Download the registration form OR visit the UOL Admissions Office to fill the form
Step 3: Attach four copies of your Computerized National Identity Card
Step 4: Attach four passport sizes photographs
Step 5: Attach four copies of your attested degree
Step 6: Submit the form to the UOL Admissions Office
Eligibility Criteria
You can enrol in these free courses at UOL if you fulfil the following criteria:
- Your minimum qualification is intermediate
- You are between 18 and 35 years of age
Please visit the official website of NAVTTC to learn about the 3 to 6-month-long free courses being offered at other universities under Kamyab Jawan Hunarmand Pakistan (Skills for All) Programme across Pakistan.
Update (Nov 17th, 2020)
Prime Minister of Pakistan Imran Khan has approved the establishment of a National Job Portal. This initiative will provide immense opportunities to unemployed youth across the country, facilitating them to find employment in the public sector. According to the latest news reports, the prime minister gave his approval for the portal during a meeting with Special Assistant on Youth Affairs Usman Dar.
Moreover, the federal government has reopened its loan applications under the Youth Entrepreneurship Scheme (YES), an initiative of the widely-hailed Kamyab Jawan Program. In order to apply for a loan, visit the official Kamyab Jawan Program Portal and hover over the ‘Kamyab Jawan’ tab in the top navigation panel. Select ‘Youth Entrepreneurship Scheme’ from the drop-down menu to proceed further.
You can find the information about eligibility criteria, types of loans and application process below.
UPDATE (Feb 18, 2020)
Pakistan Special Assistant to the Prime Minister on Youth Affairs Usman Dar recently inaugurated the hi-tech courses for youth as part of the widely-hailed Hunarmand Pakistan (Skills for All) initiative launched by the Government of Pakistan under its flagship Kamyab Jawan Program. The inauguration ceremony took place at the National University of Technology, more commonly referred to as NUTECH, in Islamabad.
As reported by several media outlets, the PKR 30 billion skill development program, which aims to provide technical and vocational training to young Pakistanis, will be executed by the National Vocational and Technical Training Commission (NAVTTC). It is a part of the Strategic Implementation Plan (SIP). Moreover, PKR 9.84 billion has reportedly been allocated to the program for the next 20 months, during which SIP plans to provide training to about 170,000 young people.
The government of Pakistan has launched yet another innovative and ground-breaking initiative under its flagship Kamyab Jawan Programme to create more employment opportunities for the unemployed youth of the country by means of providing easy loans, training programs and internships.
The aptly named Hunarmand Pakistan (Skills for All) is one of the six schemes under Prime Minister Imran Khan’s widely-hailed Kamyab Jawan Programme. It is the country’s largest skill development initiative that aims to provide quality technical vocational and educational training to the young generation.
Hunarmand Pakistan is the third scheme to be launched under the landmark Kamyab Jawan Programme. PM’s Youth Entrepreneurship Scheme (YES!) also drew massive interest among youth across the country, as it sought to provide interest-free loans to the young population of Pakistan in a bid to help them start their own business ventures. As per the Kamyab Jawan Programme website, Phase 1 of the Youth Entrepreneurship Scheme for receiving loan applications is now over.
The soft-loan scheme was followed by Start-Up Pakistan Programme, which aims to train one million students from different universities and technical colleges to start their own businesses by developing a national startup ecosystem.
Kamyab Jawan Program – An Overview

Kamyab Jawan Programme is a flagship program of the current government that was developed with an aim to create more job opportunities and provide means for young people to be successful in their chosen career paths.
Here are all the schemes that are a part of PM’s Kamyab Jawan Programme:
- Youth Entrepreneurship Scheme
- Startup Pakistan Programme
- Hunarmand Pakistan (Skills for All) Programme
- Green Youth Movement
- National Internship Programme
- Youth Engagement Platform
The last three programs on the list will also be initiated soon. In the meantime, let’s take a look at the main features, eligibility criteria and application process of those that have already been launched.
Hunarmand Pakistan (Skills for All)

Kamyab Jawan Hunarmand Pakistan Programme aims to offer quality professional training and skill development opportunities to young people across Pakistan so that they can get better jobs and contribute towards national development. As per the reports published by various media outlets, the government has earmarked PKR 30 billion for the Hunarmand Pakistan programme, which will be implemented over the course of the next four years.
The skill-development scheme will utilize digital trends to offer vocational and education training to 500,000 individuals. Moreover, the government will also open more than 500 technical centres to facilitate the youth under the Hunarmand Pakistan initiative.
“Our target is to benefit 80 percent youth of the country through Hunarmand Jawan Programme where they would get job and business opportunities after getting skill-based training,’ Assistant to the Prime Minister on Youth Affairs (SAPM) Usman Dar told the media during the pre-launch ceremony.
Hunarmand Pakistan will comprise special training programs to uplift the Technical Vocational and Educational Trainings (TVET) sector.
Main Features of Hunarmand Pakistan Programme
These are the major components of the Hunarmand Pakistan scheme, as per the Kamyab Jawan Programme portal.
- It will provide high-tech skill-development training to 50,000 youth in modern fields such as 3D printing, mechatronics, robotics, advanced electronics, artificial intelligence, block-chain, augmented reality and intelligent vehicles.
- About 50,000 young people living in less-developed areas across Pakistan will be provided with hands-on skills in construction, hospitality, manufacturing and textile. Women will also be offered training for various domestic skills.
- The PM’s office will collaborate with the National Vocational and Technical Training Commission (NAVTTC) to establish a centralized National Employment System.
- Under Hunarmand Pakistan programme, 75 smart tech labs will be established to provide distance learning opportunities
- NAVTTC will establish incubation centres, accredit 2,000 TVET institutes and develop 200 TVET qualifications
- The programme also aims to set up the National Accreditation Council for Technical and Vocational Stream Regulations.
- NAVTCC will set up 70 workshops and labs in around 70 madrassas across Pakistan
- Master Trainers from technologically advanced countries will be hired to train the domestic TVET teachers and trainers
- Apprenticeship training will be conducted for about 25,000 young applicants
- Certification of 50,000 youth who already have skills in any vocation/sector under Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) Project.
Eligibility Criteria for Hunarmand Pakistan Programme
This eligibility criteria to apply for Hunarmand Pakistan scheme under Kamyab Jawan Programme.
- You must be between 18 and 40 years of age
- Valid Computerized National Identity Card (CNIC)
- You must not have availed any government-sponsored skill development program
- You must not have enrolled in any other parallel training program, whether federal or government
It is important to mention that NAVTTC can accept or reject an application based on available information. Moreover, if the information provided by the applicant is found to be fake or altered at any stage of the program, their admission will be terminated.
In addition to that, young individuals facing a physical disability will be given due preference.
How to Apply for Hunarmand Pakistan Programme Online
Let’s take a look at how to apply for Kamyab Jawan Programme’s Hunarmand Pakistan initiative online.
Step 1: Open the official Kamyab Jawan Programme website
Step 2: Select Hunarmand Pakistan (Skills for All) from the dropdown menu under the Kamyab Jawan tab on the navigation panel
Step 3: Click the ‘Trades Offered’ button at the top to search for your relevant trades, institutes, districts and shifts from the available database.
Step 4: Once you have selected the trade and institute, click on the ‘Apply’ button
Step 5: Fill out the Hunarmand Pakistan Programme application form correctly
Step 6: Re-check your information before clicking on the ‘Save’ button
Step 7: Print out the submitted form for later use
Step 8: Track your application by using the ‘Track Application’ option. You’ll only be required to enter your CNIC number for this purpose.
Step 9: Appear for an interview before the NAVTTC team at your desired institute. You’ll also have to bring your academic documents and qualification certificate.
Step 10: Shortlisted candidates will receive a notification
How to Apply for Hunarmand Pakistan Programme Offline
For those who want to manually apply for the Hunarmand Pakistan Programme, the first three steps are going to be the same as above.
Step 4: Select a relevant trade and institute
Step 5: Click on the ‘Download Application Form’ button appearing in the top navigation panel
Step 6: Fill out the form and print out a copy
Step 7: Attach your educational documents, qualification certificates and a passport-size photo with the hardcopy of the duly-filled form.
Step 8: Submit the documents to the chosen institute.
Step 9: Track your application
Step 10: If chosen, appear before the NAVTTC interview team.
All submitted applications will be processed within 30 days.
Startup Pakistan

The Startup Pakistan programme was launched under the flagship Kamyab Jawan Programme to create employment opportunities and economic activity by developing their own startups. The program aims to provide entrepreneurship training to one million young people across Pakistan.
One of the best parts about this particular initiative is that both individuals and institutions can apply for it. Startup Pakistan will teach individuals how to start their own businesses by providing practical entrepreneurship training and offering an incubation program that will help them establish their own businesses. Meanwhile, institutions ranging from government departments and higher education institutions to non-profit organizations and digital platforms can also join the programme.
Eligibility Criteria for Startup Pakistan Movement
You can join the Kamyab Jawan Startup Pakistan movement if you fulfil the following eligibility requirements.
For individuals
- All Pakistani CNIC holders are eligible for the program regardless of their gender
- You must be aged between 21 and 45 years of age
- Undergraduate or graduate student at any educational institute
- Entrepreneurial mindset
- Willingness to learn, receive and accept feedback, and implement the suggestions
- Commitment to be consistent, driven and motivated
For institutions
Here is a list of institutions that can participate in the Kamyab Jawan Programme’s Startup Pakistan scheme.
- Government departments
- Incubators
- Accelerators
- Higher education institutions
- Institutional investors
- Corporations and businesses
- Non-profit organizations
- International development agencies
- Digital platforms
To be eligible, the institution must do the following:
- Must be registered in Pakistan
- International entities can only join the programme through local partnerships
- Commit to support the Startup Ecosystem, collaborate and coordinate
- Provide quarterly progress report
How to Apply for Startup Pakistan
Here is how you can register for Kamyab Jawan Programme’s Startup Pakistan movement.
For individuals
Step 1: Open the official Kamyab Jawan Programme website and select ‘Startup Pakistan’ from the dropdown menu under the Kamyab Jawan tab
Step 2: Click on the green ‘Apply as an Individual’ button
Step 3: Enter your name, CNIC number, date of birth, gender, father/guardian or spouse’s name, personal mailing address, contact detail, email address and academic information in the relevant fields
Step 4: Submit your application form
For institutions
Step 1: Open the official Kamyab Jawan Programme website and select ‘Startup Pakistan’ from the dropdown menu under the Kamyab Jawan tab
Step 2: Click on the green ‘Apply as an Institution’ button
Step 3: Enter your Organization’s Name, type, focal Person’s Name, mobile number, organization’s mailing address and email address in the relevant fields
Step 4: Click on ‘Submit Application Form’
All submitted applications will be processed within 30 days.
Youth Entrepreneurship Scheme (YES!)

The Youth Entrepreneurship Scheme (YES!) aims to provide interest-free loans to young people across Pakistan. For this purpose, PKR 100 billion have been allocated for loan distribution in 45 underprivileged districts of the country on a priority basis.
As mentioned above, the first phase of the application submission for the programme is already over.
This scheme was created in line with the Prime Minister’s vision to create 10 million jobs for the youth of Pakistan. It allows young people to apply for interest-free loans before graduating from microloans with no collateral and then finally to small loans.
Youth Entrepreneurship Scheme was developed in collaboration with the following organizations:
- Pakistan Poverty Alleviation Fund (PPAF)
- State Bank of Pakistan (SBP)
- Small and Medium Enterprise Authority (SMEDA)
Moreover, these banks will distribute the loans:
- National Bank of Pakistan
- Bank of Punjab
- Bank of Khyber
While PM’s Kamyab Jawan Programme for youth is expected to benefit approximately 52 percent of Pakistan’s population, it will also provide 25 percent of the total loans to young female entrepreneurs striving to run their own businesses.
Furthermore, existing startups and small enterprises can also benefit from this program.
Kamyab Jawan Eligibility Criteria for Loans
Here are some of the requirements you need to fulfil in order to be eligible for a loan application under the scheme.
- Those applying for the program must have a valid NIC
- They must be between 21 and 45 years of age at the time of application submission
- The applicants must have entrepreneurial potential
- Citizens as young as 18 can apply for a loan in case of IT or e-commerce-related businesses
- In case of businesses that require licensing or certification, the applicants must hold a respective qualification in the form of diplomas, certifications, authorizations, or licenses.
Types of Loans, Pricing and Markup
As mentioned above, young entrepreneurs can apply for three types of loans.
The loans ranging from PKR 10,000 to 1 lakh will be without interest. The loans less than or equal to PKR 5 lakh will be considered Tier-1 loans with a markup rate of 6 percent per annum. Tier-2 will comprise loans greater than PKR 5 lakh with an annual markup rate of 8 percent.
Including a grace period of one year, the maximum tenor of a loan under Kamyab Jawan Programme is eight years.
How to Apply for Kamyab Jawan YES! Programme

The Kamyab Jawan Programme registration process is completely online, which means applicants are not required to fill and submit any physical forms.
Here is how you can apply for loans under the unique scheme.
- Visit the official website of the Kamyab Jawan Programme
- Click on the Youth Entrepreneurship Scheme tab
- Once the webpage for the scheme opens up, click on the green tab that reads ‘Apply Online for Loan.’ You’ll be directed to a bank loan form
- Fill in the required details. Please note it is mandatory to fill all sections in the Kamyab Jawan Programme online form.
- You will have to select the type of loan, your purpose for applying, your selected bank and the amount of the loan. The online system will automatically select the bank branch closest to your given address as the designated branch.
- Make sure to enter your exact CNIC and issuance date. Failure to do so will lead to the rejection of your application.
- Once you’ve proofread the form to make sure there aren’t any errors, click to submit it on the portal.
- You will soon receive an SMS confirmation alert on your provided mobile phone number.
Applicants are not required to attach any documents while submitting your online application form. Furthermore, you cannot make any corrections or changes in the form once it’s been submitted.
Youth Entrepreneurship Scheme Security and Collateral

While no collateral is required for Tier-1 loans that are less than or equal to PKR 5 lakh, an applicant must provide collateral for Tier-2 loans greater than PKR 5 lakh.
The participating banks are supposed to decide the collateral.
However, the Kamyab Jawan Program has put together an indicative list of collaterals a bank might require.
- Mortgage of applicant’s residential, commercial or agricultural property.
- Mortgage of third party property
- Hire purchase of vehicles
- Lien on national savings certificates and marketable securities among others
- Pledge of gold ornaments and hypothecation of stocks and receivables
- In the case of joint-stock companies, a registered charge on business assets
- Third-party guarantors
Please note that an applicant’s spouse, parents, siblings, children and in-laws cannot act as a guarantor for the loan. Moreover, the third-party guarantor will not be able to apply for a loan under the Youth Entrepreneurship Scheme themselves.
So, that was our wrap on Kamyab Jawan Programme. For more information on the schemes launched by the present government, such as Naya Pakistan Housing Program or Ehsaas Undergraduate Scholarship Programme, stay connected to Zameen Blog – Pakistan’s top real estate and lifestyle blog.
If you want to share any suggestions or have a query, please get in touch with us on blog@zameen.com. You can also subscribe to our newsletter to receive the latest updates about the real estate sector on Pakistan.