– How to make DIY disinfectant wipes
– Using disinfectant and cleaning wipes
Are you running out of hand and surface cleaning wipes? How about making all-natural homemade wipes for cleaning and disinfecting using household materials and supplies?
Owing to the ongoing coronavirus epidemic, there is a good chance you are taking all the precautionary steps to avoid getting sick, such as washing your hands with soap for 20 seconds, not touching your eyes, mouth or nose, as well as wiping down your doorknobs, mobile phones and light switches among other frequently touched surfaces in your home. However, as you may have already noticed, household cleaning supplies along with hand sanitisers and cleaning/disinfecting wipes have flown off the shelves at supermarkets due to their growing demand.
However, if you are having a hard time procuring these items, there’s no need to worry. Since we have already taught you in great detail the recipe for a DIY hand sanitiser, which can also be used to make homemade hand sanitising wipes, we are now bringing you a tutorial for all-natural homemade cleaning and disinfecting wipes to ensure your home remains clean and healthy.
You can also learn about the differences between cleaning, sanitising and disinfecting here.
Before we begin, we would like to clarify that while these DIY disinfecting wipes are effective in significantly reducing germs, getting rid of allergens and cleaning your home, they are not scientifically proven to kill the virus that causes COVID-19. In fact, according to the Centres of Disease Control and Prevention, better known as CDC, the most potent way of preventing coronavirus is by thoroughly washing your hands with soap and warm water. So, even if you are using store-bought disinfectants and sanitisers, don’t forget to wash your hands and avoid touching your face.
Recipe: All-Natural Homemade Wipes for Cleaning and Disinfecting

Most tutorials on how to make your own hand cleaning wipes require items from your kitchen. However, you will have to acquire 99% Isopropyl alcohol, also known as rubbing alcohol, from a pharmacy to make homemade disinfectant wipes, which not only visibly clean the surface but also help significantly reduce the number of microorganisms it may be harbouring.
You can also take a look at our guide on natural disinfectants for further clarification.
You will need these items to make your own cheap disinfectant wipes.
- 1/2 cup of vinegar
- 1/4 cup of warm water
- 1/4 cup of 99% Isopropyl alcohol
- 2 tsp dishwashing soap
- 10 drops essential oil (for scent)
- 1 Paper towel roll
- 1 Glass jar with a sealing lid
If you are having a hard time deciding on which essential oil to use, here is a list of essential oils with antiviral, antibacterial, antifungal and antimicrobial properties:
- Lemon
- Tea tree
- Eucalyptus
- Lavender
- Rosemary
- Cinnamon
- Thyme
- Clove
- Peppermint
Here is a step-by-step guide to making DIY cleaning and disinfecting wipes.
Step 1: Make a solution of water, vinegar, isopropyl alcohol, dishwashing soap and about 10 drops of your chosen essential oil. Pour half of the solution into a glass jar with a sealable lid. While rubbing alcohol helps get rid of bacteria and viruses, vinegar is one of the most well-known natural cleaners with anti-bacterial properties. Dishwashing soap can help cut through the buildup of natural oils and other debris on the surface, whereas essential oils not only make the wipes smell good but also add to their disinfectant properties.
Step 2: Take a paper towel roll and place it inside the glass jar vertically. If your paper towel roll is too big to fit in the jar, you can cut it in half using a sharp kitchen knife.
Step 3: Slowly pour the rest of the solution over the paper towels in the jar and close the lid to keep the alcohol from evaporating.
Step 4: Once the paper towels are completely saturated, you should remove the cardboard from its centre. Also, don’t forget to pull a paper towel outside from the middle. This will make it easier for you to pull out the homemade wipes for cleaning and disinfecting from the glass jar.
Where Can You Use These Homemade Wipes for Cleaning and Disinfecting?
Like most homemade cleaning wipes, these work great on non-porous hard surfaces.

You can use them as DIY bathroom cleaning wipes. The rubbing alcohol in the solution will help get rid of any microbes lurking in your bathroom.
Make sure to wipe down surfaces such as:
- Faucets
- Countertop
- Toilet
- Doorknobs
- Light switches

You can replace tissue roll with washable dishcloths to make reusable kitchen cleaning wipes.
Here are some of the surfaces in the kitchen that need to be wiped down frequently:
- Countertop
- Stove and oven knobs
- Faucet
- Light switches
- Cabinet handles
- Refrigerator handles
Bedroom and Living Room

- Mobile phones
- Doorknobs
- Light switches
- Remote control
- Laptop keyboard
- Computer mouse
- Window frames
- Children’s toys
Moreover, you can use these DIY disinfecting wipes for travel and use them to clean the airplane seat belt and tray table etc.
These DIY disinfecting wipes with essential oils can also be used to clean your car’s steering wheel, seat belts and gearshift. If you have to go out for coronavirus grocery shopping, you must make sure to wipe the handle of the shopping cart with DIY cleaning wipes before touching it.
To learn how to clean your home to prevent coronavirus or find out more about the COVID-19 precautionary tips by the World Health Organization, head over to Zameen Blog – the best lifestyle and real estate blog in Pakistan.
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