Home » Home Decor » How to Remove a Glued Carpet?
In This Post:
Tools for Removing Carpet
Guide for Removing Carpet
Key Considerations
Installing carpet on the floor can add a ravishing look to your home. At the same time, the maintenance of carpeted floors can take a heavy toll on your pocket. So, if you have changed your mind and thinking of removing or replacing the carpet in your house, we have compiled a simple step-by-step guide for removing glued carpet.
We will break down this blog into three parts. Firstly, we will provide you a list of essential supplies and tools that you will need for the process. Afterwards, we will share a detailed step-by-step guide for removing glued carpet. In the end, we will highlight some key factors to consider that will help you remain safe from the damage associated with this process.
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Essential Supplies and Tools for Removing Carpet

Before we jump right into removing a glued carpet, make sure you have all the material, tools, and safety gear in place. Whether you are removing or replacing the carpet, here’s a list of some essentials you will need to complete out the task successfully and safely:
- Duct tape
- Face mask
- Hammer
- Knee pads
- Locking pliers
- Measuring tape
- Protective gloves
- Pry bar
- Ring shank nails
- Safety glasses
- Scrapper
- Seam
- Utility knife
Now that you have all the essential supplies and tools in place, here’s a step-by-step guide for removing glued carpet from any corner of your home.
Step-by-Step Guide for Removing Glued Carpet

Before we begin, here’s something that you should know: self-safety should be your number one priority, so wear the safety gear that we have mentioned above, including the protective gloves, face mask, knee pads, and safety glasses. These things work as a guard against any unforeseen accidents and provide you an additional layer of safety while you work on the task at hand.
We had previously shared a comprehensive guide on DIY carpet installation on stairs, DIY door installation, and a beginner’s guide to tile a bathroom floor. Continuing with the same efforts to help you save money and learn a new skill, here’s our step-by-step guide on how to remove glued carpet from any corner of your house:
- Step 1: Pick up a corner for pulling the carpet
- Step 2: Rolling up old carpet
- Step 3: Removing carpet from stairs
- Step 4: Pulling out carpet padding
- Step 5: Detailed floor inspection
- Step 6: Installation of new carpet
Step 1: Pick Up a Corner for Pulling Carpet
Removing glued down carpet without damaging the floor is a tiring job, it requires time and a systematic approach. So, the first step in our guide on how to remove glued carpet is to pick up a suitable corner to begin with. Whether the carpet has been installed with a staple gun or glue, it should come off with a simple pull. If it doesn’t come off with sheer force, cut a small piece out of the corner with a utility knife.
On the other hand, if you have a hardwood floor underneath and the carpet has been held down with carpet strips, then use a plier to grip the fibres. Once you have a stable grip, start pulling the carpet you have cut.
Pro tip: If your entire house is covered in carpet and you have to clear out a lot of it, renting a helper who is looking to buy an old carpet can help you get rid of it all at once. You will also receive a small amount of money for your efforts. |
Step 2: Rolling Up Old Carpet
Divide the sections of the carpet and roll it back into the centre of the room. Use the utility knife to cut along. Remember to use both hands for safety. Make sure you have duct tape in hand while you are rolling the carpet. Use the tape to secure the rolled-up carpet and prevent it from unrolling. It will make the process easier and help you keep track of the bundles you are selling.
Further, make sure you are not rolling up the carpet from different areas in different sections. Keep all the sections separate from one another. As such, do not roll up the carpet in the living room with the carpet in the hallway. Keep them all separate.
Pro tip: Avoid rolling up the carpet in large sizes. Use a utility knife instead to cut the carpet into small and easy to roll strips. |
Step 3: Removing Carpet from Stairs
Removing glued carpet from the floor is a rather smooth task as compared to the carpet glued to the stairs. All you need to do is to divide the carpet by cutting it into small strips wherever you find a fold. Generally, the carpet around stairs is either secured with staple pins, nails, or carpet tacks. You need to remove them all after you are done cutting it into strips. Make sure that you are cutting the carpet while it is still secured to avoid any hassles. Collect all the nails and staple pins, and keep them in a safe place – away from the reach of your kids or pets.
Pro tip: If you notice any carpet glue stains on the floor, there are two ways to remove it. First, you can remove carpet glue from the floor by scraping it off. Second, you can pour boiling hot water on the stains and wait for it to come off naturally. |
Step 4: Pulling Out Carpet Padding
Carpet padding is a sheet of foam or rubbery material. It is usually installed underneath the carpet. Most carpets aren’t directly attached to the floor, some are secured with carpet padding to provide additional insulation and to extend the life of the rug. Carpet padding also prevents the floor from being damaged. They are usually stapled or glued to the floor.
As mentioned above, carpet padding is mostly secured with glue or is stapled to the floor in patches, so removing it isn’t as easy it sounds. At this point, you will need to grab a seam and start tearing it up. If it is glued to the floor, use a scraper to separate it. Repeat the same steps with padding as you have done with the carpet – roll it up and secure with duct tape.
As soon as the padding is completely removed, you can move on to the next step, which is inspecting the floor for any damages.
Step 5: Detailed Floor Inspection
This is the most important step in replacing the carpet around your house. If you want to install a new floor [other than carpet], you have to be aware of any issues with the floor beforehand. It will help you fix the damages before the new flooring is installed and solve any issues before they become an ugly hassle to deal with.
So, when you are conducting a detailed inspection of the floor, here’s what you should watch out for:
- Rust: Look around carefully for rust because it only grows. This could be a stain from the things that have been spilled, but if you notice it at several spots, it indicates a roof leakage. At this point, you should contact a professional for an immediate roof inspection.
- Sinking floor: If you notice a sinking floor, it is most probably due to a weak foundation. In such cases, a helping hand from an expert can help you prevent massive damages.
- Squeaky floor: Make sure that the floor is not squeaking while you walk around. If the floor is squeaking, navigate to our guide on fixing noisy floors and doors, where we have briefly discussed what you can do to get rid of creaking floors.
- Staples damages: Take a look around the house and make sure you have collected all the staple pins. If you notice a stubborn pin, use a pair of pliers to take it out. Also, if there are any damages underneath, try to fix them yourself or call an expert to help you out before installing a new flooring.
Pro tip: If you are replacing your old carpet and the existing tack strips are in good shape, you can move forward to the installation of a new carpet. In case the tack strips are damaged, use a hammer and pry bar to remove them. Just find the nails holding the strips, slide the pry bar underneath. Force it deeper by using a hammer, and pull on the pry bar to loosen the strip until it comes out. |
Step 6: Installation of New Carpet
As soon as you are done with all the steps mentioned above, you are now ready for the next step of your home improvement project. If you want to stick to carpets, you already know how to do it. And, if you are looking for some other options, you can take assistance from our post where we have discussed modern flooring options in Pakistan along with their rates.
Just in case, you haven’t installed the carpet previously by yourself, here are a few things you should do:
- Use a measuring tape or inch tape, and measure all the spaces in the house that need carpeting. Make sure you have completed this step before you hit the market for rates.
- Measure carefully because the last thing you want is to come up short or order too much.
- Buy according to the exact measurement and avoid buying more or less than your actual need. Do not forget to buy the padding if the previous one has been damaged.
- Conduct deep cleaning around the house before installing a new floor. Make sure that the house is not infected with house pests, either.
- After vacuuming or washing all the dust and debris, let the floor breathe for a day or two before installing a new carpet.
- Staple the carpet padding to the tack strips. Make sure there’s no overlapping, and everything is levelled. Install the carpet on the padding.
- Cut out all the excess carpet before tucking the edges.
On a side note, we have recently discussed the pros and cons of carpet flooring in one of our recent posts. If you know someone who is on the fence about installing a carpeted floor, you can share this guide with them.
Key Considerations for Removing or Replacing Carpet

Here are some important things to keep in mind before removing or replacing the carpet around your house:
- Conduct deep cleaning before and after the installation of a new floor.
- Get rid of all the debris from old carpeting on a priority basis and make sure nothing is lying around in your house for too long.
- Get rid of any house pests or infestation before you install new flooring.
- Remove all the furniture from the room before installing a new floor.
- The process of removing or replacing carpet is demanding, and it needs your undivided attention. Just keep in mind that you have no other project running on the side, or you have no other commitments.
- When you are installing or removing the carpet around your house, it is better to remove doors to move around freely.
This brings us to the end of our post on how to remove glued carpet from your house. We know for a fact that replacing or removing carpet on your own is not an easy task, but the sense of achievement that follows can make you feel proud at the end. We have tried to cover all the necessary aspects and information in this post. You are now ready to remove or replace the carpet from any corner of your house.
Unlike removing a carpet, certain projects in your house may require a professional. As such, you can take assistance from our compilation of the best interior designing companies in Pakistan.
In case you have anything to share with us, get in touch with us at blog@zameen.com. You can also visit Zameen’s Facebook Page for that matter.
Before we sign off, we would like to remind you that we keep on sharing modern and chic home design ideas such as the pros and cons of installing concrete countertops and how stained glass can add aesthetics to your house. If you also want to stay updated on contemporary home decoration concepts, keep visiting the home décor section on our blog.
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