–Some Useful Fire Safety Tips For Your Home
–Ways To Stay Safe During a House Fire
House fires can strike without any warning and can engulf your property in smoke and flames within a matter of minutes. The very first thing that strikes your mind in such a situation is the safety of your loved ones. However, due to the unpredictable nature of fire incidents, you can never completely eliminate their chances of occurring but such calamities can still be prevented to some extent if we carefully observe safety precautions. So, if you are also looking for ways to prevent house fire incidents, then you have come to the right place. In this blog, we’ll discuss some useful fire safety tips that can keep your living space safe from fire hazards.
Some Useful Fire Safety Tips For Your Home

Here are some precautionary tips for preventing fires at home and family safe from fire incidents.
- Never leave any heating appliances running unattended, especially in the case of open fires. No matter if your fitted or portable heater has a built-in guard, you should install extra protective covering. Make sure to keep it out of children’s reach by installing a surrounding guard. You can make use of a nursery guard that can be fitted into a fixed wall bracket with side clips. This would also make it safe for older people to move around as they usually have eye-sight problems.
- One of the most useful fire safety tips for your home is to maintain a safe distance between portable heaters and candles from furnishings made of synthetic fibers and fabrics like sofa sets, mattresses, and curtains to prevent any possible fire incident. For example, a burning candle melt transforms into liquid wax to release its fragrance and this melted wax carries heat that may cause another surface, like a curtain or a tablecloth, to catch fire.
- Never use a heating source producing open-fire to dry your clothes as it can be extremely hazardous. Always go for air-drying your clothes, which is also among the most important tips to prevent fires at home.
- Many of the house fire cases reportedly start from the kitchen. So, if you like having home-cooked food, you need to be extra cautious. When you are cooking something in a pan or a pot, never leave it unattended, especially when you are deep frying something. Keep a proper check and balance to make sure that nothing is overheated. You can also use a deep fat fryer that is controlled thermostatically for safer frying. These are some of the ways to prevent house fire incidents.
- Get smoke detectors installed in every corner of your living space. Installing a smoke or a fire alarm is one of the most important fire safety tips for your home as it is a lifesaving home equipment that can timely alert you about a house fire. Don’t forget to plan your escape route ahead of time as you may not be able to afford the delay of even a second in such a situation.
Ways to Stay Safe During a House Fire

If you want to stay safe during a house fire, you need to carefully follow the steps given below
- Try leaving the premises as soon as you hear the smoke alarm beeping. A house fire can spread within a matter of seconds, giving you only a little time to escape. Forget about the valuables you have at home. Getting yourself and your family out of the burning premises safely should be your very first priority.
- The smoke produced from fire is a mixture of combustion gas particles that are lighter than air, which is why it usually floats in the upper air in burning premises. Combustion gases can be deadly to breathe, so if you want to avoid inhaling them, you need to stay low no matter what. Also, encourage other family members to crawl or crouch to stay safe during a house fire. Inhaling smoke can be fatal as the reaction of the toxic gases may leave a person unconscious.
- In case you are trapped in an upper floor of a building, you can always call for help from the windows. To signal for help, you can hang a white cloth or a sheet outside the window to send out a distress signal. The best thing to do in such a situation is to stay put and place a damp cloth on your mouth that will filter the air that you are breathing.
- If you have successfully escaped the fire, you need to immediately call for help to prevent the house fire from spreading in order to avoid further damage to your property. The emergency numbers to call in such a situation include 16 for the fire department, 115 for Edhi Ambulance Service, 1020 for Chhipa Ambulance Service and 1122 for Rescue Service.
Note: Rescue 1122 service is only available in the province of Punjab.
This was our pick of some of the most important fire safety tips and ways to stay safe during a house fire. If we are missing out on mentioning something, please let us know by emailing us at Your valuable feedback means a lot to us and helps us in making our blogs more informative for our readers.
Meanwhile, you can also check out our blogs in which we have discussed safety tips for natural calamities such as earthquakes and floods.
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