Home » Construction » Development work on RRR starts this year, here’s the latest update on it!
After the Islamabad International Airport, the Rawalpindi Ring Road (RRR) is to become the next big thing for the property market of the twin cities. While the road is meant to provide a direct, signal-free and shorter route to the airport Rawalpindi, the RRR itself is too big of a development to ignore.
We have been keenly following up on related news and update on the RRR, also referred to as the Rawalpindi Bypass; as soon as the route is marked and development work starts here, we will also start discussing the project’s impact on the housing societies it touches on its 38.25-kilometre long curvature.
Right now, we are sharing some project details, its expected route, the projects that are set to benefit from it and of course how soon should be expect development work to start on it.
Details on RRR project
According to a news report shared recently by local dailies, the RRR will be 38.25 kilometres long and it will be completed in a timeframe of two years. The authorities concerned are to acquire 11,000 kanals of land for it, which is estimated to cost approximately PKR 4 billion. In this regard, Planning and Development Department (P&D) Punjab has given a green signal for providing funds for land acquisition during the fiscal year 2018-19. Please note that fund allocation for the RRR’s land acquisition has already been done.
The 300-foot wide RRR will have three link roads. The length of RRR’s link 1, i.e. Rawat Link, will be 12.5 kilometres, and Link (2) Girja Road and Link (3) Fateh Jang to GT Road will be 1.5 kilometre and 6.5 kilometres respectively. The right of way between the patch connecting Girja Road and Thalian Interchange will be 60 feet and 90 feet wide. There may or may not be some technical changes in the final design as the RRR feasibility study was completed in 2017.
In its initial design, the interchanges were proposed on GT Road, Chak Beli Road, Rawat Link Road, Adiala Road, Chakri Road, Girja Road, and Thalian Interchange. The number of interchanges the circular road will have isn’t confirmed so far as sources quote different figures. But we do know that GT Road and Rawat will have a cloverleaf interchange, while Adyala Road, Chakri Road, Girja Road will have a diamond interchange. In addition, it is expected that the RRR will use the existing interchange on Thalian.
The route
According to news sources, the starting point of RRR will be 10 kilometres away from Rawat on GT Road at Mouza Banth and it will end at Lahore-Islamabad Motorway M-2 on Thalian Interchange. From Banth, it will run along Mouza Mera Mohra and Bassali near Rawat Chak Beli Road. From there, it will pass adjacent to Mouza Lilla, Kamalpur, Trahia, Dhapia, and bisect Adyala Road at Khasal Khurd. The route will move to north-west side of the Adyala Road and head to Chakri Road and move further in the north western side to meet Thalian interchange on the M-2 Motorway.
Here is the expected alignment of the route:
Latest development
According to a news report, P&D Punjab and Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB), which is headquartered in Beijing, China, have developed an understanding over the development of the RRR. While P&D has affirmed to reserve funds for land acquisition during the upcoming fiscal year, AIIB will arrange for the rest of the funds estimated at PKR 42 billion.
The funds for the project will be allocated in P&D’s budget for 2018-19, and that will also be the year when development work on the road will start.
Which societies will benefit from the RRR?
That’s the most important questions that concerns most of people watching out for the project closely. Many lesser-known housing societies will also start to catch investors’ attention with advancement in the RRR’s development, with some projects counting on it for their success. Some of these include Bahria Town Rawalpindi Phase VIII and Phase VIII Extension, many farmhouse projects on Adyala Road and Chakri Road including Royal Farm Houses, and also Blue World City, Al-Haram City, Al-Mairaj Garden, and Capital Smart City.
If the road is completed in the stipulated time, which is two years, we are looking at a medium-term investment in the above mentioned projects. The returns will, of course, be the highest for societies that currently feature cheaper options.
This was our update on the RRR, if you have feedback on the article or any questions for us, let us know through your comments.

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Any benefits for investors of PIA Officers cooperating housing society (PIAOCHS)?
Yes, it will greatly benefit from the road.
Will the Kashmir Model Town (KMT) on Chakri road be the beneficiary of RRR?
Yes, all developments on Chakri Road will benefit from it.
What about linkage to Dha Valley/homes
This project can benefit only once its issues are resolved.
Any chances in near future that DHA Valley issues will be resolved?
I can only hope and pray for this to happen.
What about CBR Residencia? It will get benefit from this project and based on this project is it good time to invest in CBR?
Yes, the project will benefit from the RRR.
What about ICHS (Islamabad Co-operative Housing Scheme) ?
Yes, partially though. The society will reap greater benefits from the CPEC route.
How much price increase we can expect for Al-Harm City, Chakri Road after Two Year?.
Giving an estimate on price appreciation is hard as the volume of investment poured in the property sector these days fluctuate. The major parameter to tell if the gains would be worth the wait is by assessing how much the project appeals the end users.
So what is perceived from your response on this question particularly or your response on this thread in general, almost all the housing schemes on Chakari Road would gonna benefit from this project, it includes societies like Al Haram too! please correct, if the understanding isn’t right.
That’s correct. Housing Societies on Chakri and Adyala will benefit the most from it.
what about Thalian Housing Society by FGEHS? Will it be getting benefit from RRR.
Yes, this society will also benefit from the ring road.
Hi Samra,
You mentioned the RRR would benefit BT phase 8. However, there is no planned link road to the society. Any news of this connection or if there is no road connection what is the alternate route to the RRR from BT phase 8 etc?
The answer you are looking for is explained thoroughly in this blog: https://www.zameen.com/blog/the-bahria-town-rawalpindi-phase-viii-update-you-have-been-waiting-for.html
Yes, it will be a gainer too. In fact, the road will start from close it.
what about the GT road society Gulberg Town near DHA-3.Will it be getting benefit from RRR.
Hi Samra,
What about phase 8 extension precinct 3 will it be benefited by RRR Project. What is your approximate estimation regarding price escalation in 2 to 3 years of existing plots in Bahria Town Phase 8 extension.
Phase VIII extension will be the prime beneficiary of the ring road. Since it is of the ground, rates here are lower and thus expected price appreciation will also be good. I can’t give you a figure but if we ignore the RRR part and expect that development work here starts soon, the rates will climb up, the RRR will only this escalation even more prominent.
Good analysis; Will CBR-phase two get some benefit?
That purely depends on the project quality. When people have so many options to choose from, any society lagging behind in terms of development work pace and its quality will suffer.
Dear Samra,
What are your views on Capital Smart City project, will it be benefited from the RRR?
Right now 10 marla plot is of 3600k, do you think it’s a good investment? Thanks
Yes to all your questions.
For latest update on Capital Smart City, check this out: https://www.zameen.com/blog/is-new-booking-at-higher-rates-bringing-demand-for-capital-smart-city-down.html
Thanks a lot 🙂
Hi, can you please inform whether girja road is going to get more wide or not? Because we are hearing it from last 5 years that Airport will have a drastically better effect on girja rd. But we are still looking for authentic information.
Dear Samra,
Thanks for the informative blog.
Is it possible for you to provide the location(s) of Blue World City and Capital Smart City on the google map? I would like to see proximity of these project to RRR!
which one of the two projects is worth investing for medium term investment (~2 years)?
Thanking you in advance;
Capital Smart City.
You can get the remaining details by visiting following links:
For Capital Smart City’s latest details: https://www.zameen.com/blog/is-new-booking-at-higher-rates-bringing-demand-for-capital-smart-city-down.html
For its map: https://www.zameen.com/blog/capital-smart-city-the-details-you-have-been-looking-for.html
For the latest update on Blue World City: https://www.zameen.com/blog/new-bookings-for-blue-world-city-files-expected-soon-why-should-you-be-interested.html
Kindly tell me about Mian Muhammad Baksh (MMB) housing society which is near to thalian interchange and also near to chakri road, It will get benefit from this project? and also guide me about is it good time to invest in this society?
Let me find more the project before i say anything good or bad about it.
do u have any idea about moraechs housing society 1km rawat chakbeli road. is this society exist or not. mora is ministry of religious affairs . wait for ur kind reply.
The society is yet to be launched and it’s planned location is pretty attractive. Wait till more information is shared on it.
What are issues of “DHA Valley” project and is there any possibility that project would be conected with RRR
Do you know that work on a link road to connect DHA Valley with DHA Phase V, which latter connects the society with Islamabad Expressway, is done half way? DHA Valley is facing delays in development work from the last 10 years. The only thing that will help this project do better is completion of development work and possession handover to all plot owners.
This has been a great news for long term property investors from Rawat to Fatah Jang. Thank you for updating.
can you tell me something about new Iqra city near new Islamabad airport is it genuine or banned by government because some peoples are selling out its plot here in Karachi?
The society may or may not be authentic but its location is further deep in the west of Islamabad International Airport. Please ask the dealer to share exact location of the society.
will b17 d17 benefit from RRR?
You don’t need to worry about that, these sectors, especially B-17 is doing pretty good.
will the sectors B17 and D17 also benefit from RRR? if yes then how?
B-17 and D-17 are already well connected with islamabad and Rawalpindi via M-1 and NH-5. Plus they fall quiet far off the Thalian Interhchange, which is where the RRR will have its last interchange. These two sectors aren’t dependent on the RRR for popularity and growth, they can do pretty will on their own, provided that the investor’s expectations are met and maintained.
Thank you for the information and also answering each query from users. Well done Samra Zulfiqar. Keep it up!
is CBR phase 2 is good for investment
That depends on who well the development work is planed and pursued. Visit there before you decide to invest.
And how about Cabinet Division and Roshan Pakistan Housing Schemes in E-16 Islamabad, will they benefit from the RRR???
is there interchange of RRR also constructed near Al-haram city?
The closed interchange to Al-Haram City will be that on Chakri Road.
There is one society PGSHF on Adiyala Road,is there any potential in price rise in next one year
Do you have any news update on I-15 scheme in Islamabad?
AOA Iam going to buy a plot in bharia town phase 8 Rwp for residential purpose but now a days there is a huge in the prices, please guide me that i shall wait or buy it now?
2ndly what would the effect of NAB inquiry & new finance Bill 2018-19 on bharia town phase 8 Rwp prices?
The inquiry will be for project facing issues. If you wish to buy in Bahria Town, do it now. Buy on-ground plots in projects that are clear and have no disputes attached to them.
What do you suggest where to invest, pia officers colony, cbr 2 or ichs? Your analysis and opinion please
I think you should do more research on ICHS and invest there if speed of construction work satisfies you.
What about Topity-1? The society is very close to Thalian road.
The society is already accessible from Islamabad, it will get additional benefits from the RRR but the prime factor behind its popularity will remain to be its proximity with the airport, M-2 and Kashimir Highway.
Please advise if Tarnol Fazia Housing Society will any significant affect due to this project. Thanking you in advance……
Location of PAF Tarnol is quite strategic. The society is already well connected. It will benefit more from Construction of Margalla Avenue than RRR.
Please tell me about Margalla Ave. project. What is it and how will it benefit PAF Tarnol? Also keep up the good work. I look forward to your blogs they are very informative.
Looks like i have to cover Margalla Avenue independently in the blog.
Margalla Avenue Runs between sector E and F and is planned to reach all the way to the CPEC. Stay tuned for more details on it.
What are the prospects for the property situated at Safair on Chakbeli Khan road.
The Chakbeli Khan neighbourhood will benefit from the RRR.
what about aljannat garden on chakri road
This society will also reap benefits.
any impact Of RRR on CBR phase 2
Yes, positive. Its connectivity will improve.
L-Block of Bahria Phase-8 will be a beneficiary from this RRR. My query is that what do you expect in increase in prices particularly Block-L in Short run(2-4Month), Medium Run (6-9Months) and long run (one year plus). Based on your market knowledge.
Neiman Shah
Hi Samra
A nice informative article.
What about Gulshen-e-Kashmir, a project of Asia Housing Society.
Any hope of revival of this forgotten society.
Please do you have any updates on DHA Phase IV? And any impact of this RRR on it?
what is the total cost of 5 Marla plot in RRR and what will be the minimum cost for the plots and what will be the payment schedule on installments? is their any authorized dealer available in Karachi?
RRR is not a society, it stands for Rawalpindi Ring Road.
cost of 5 Marla plot near RRR? and installment schedule and is any authorized dealer available in Karachi?
pls giv detail allinment RRR fram Thalian road to fatah jang
Let me look for it.
Thanks for the feedback given.
I was wondering if you could also comment on Gulberg Green Residensia after the announcement of RRR.
Gulberg Greens will benefit more from Islamabad Expressway than any other development. The RRR will make it more accessible from Rawalpindi and i am not very positive that an Islamabad project can benefit from having better access to and from Rawalpindi.
1. When will DHA Karachi to DHA City Malir Motor Way road will be started.
2. When DHA Karachi will open Lease to its DHA Phase 7 Extension Commercial and Residential Plots
We can only hope for best in Sind
Will university town, I-14, I-15, I-16 have any benefit from RRR?
Not direct benefits because its location and connectivity with the twin cities is already quite good
What about Al-Mairaj Garden Housing Society by FGEHS? Will it be getting benefit from RRR.
The society’s potential to perform better is dependent a lot on the developer’s reputation and public dealings. All projects that have this end covered will benefit from the RRR.
Hi Dear,
Al-Mairaj Garden is a project of Al-Mairaj Developer, could you please suggest me that this is genuine and good project??
Please share a complete route plan of RRR.
Hi Dear,
Al-Mairaj Garden is a project of Al-Mairaj Developer, could you please suggest me that this is genuine and good project??
Wait till i cover it on the blog.
Dear Samra,
i am waiting your kind reply.
Please confirm if the society has an RDA approval.
Hi Samra,
Yes Al Mairaj Garden Society has Registered in RDA.
Hello Samra, do you think the RRR will still be developed now that we have a new administration? what’s your take on it?
Which societies are on the neighbor of Ring Road form Rawat to New Islamabad Airport?? Name please…..
Hi Samra,
Thanks for so wonderful article.
I was wondering that how will RRR effect prices of DHA Phase-4 with some of its sectors near Gorakhpur. Can you please comment.
Out of all projects the RRR will benefit, DHA projects will gain the best.
if can u please tell me the Ideal city in adyala road
Let me find more on it, will update via blog.
What about Girja Road? Any plan of widening Girja road.