Home » Home Decor » Best Name Plate Design Ideas for Your Home
A home is not just made up of bricks, stones and concrete. It is a peaceful sanctuary where you unwind – often with your loved ones. With a lot of time, effort and money, you build a house and, then, with love and care you transform your house into a home. A lot of investment is put into creating the perfect abode.
From planning beautiful interior designs to arranging unique curios in the drawing room, people usually go above and beyond to make their space appear welcoming for all who visit. Speaking of welcoming, it’s important to remember when someone comes to your house, the first thing they would notice is the name plate that hangs on the gate. If you are keen on decorating your house in the best way possible, then you would also want to explore name plate design ideas.
Best decorative name plates for homes

Name plates are a unique feature of your home. They can be created using materials ranging from brass, acrylic, glass, ceramic, marble, stone, wood and steel. For a decorative name plate for your home, you can use a nice motif design etched across the name plate where the name will be engraved or maybe put some design on its upper and lower ends. You can ask the designer to make the outer design in golden colour and the inside can be a contrast, let’s say, black. The house number and the name of the house can be inscribed in the centre.
Other unique home name plate design ideas include metal frames where the name is etched into metal. Wooden name plates also look outstanding.
DIY customized name plates for homes
You don’t necessarily have to splurge; you can also make your own name plate. Keep a close eye on your garden. You may spot a rock or two. How about using a shiny rock as base material that can be used to create a name plate for your home? Just pick a huge rock and using a scalpel or knife or any sharp pointed tool, engrave your house number and the name of your house on it. This will take several days to engrave, as it is not easy to leave a mark on a rock, but once you are done, you can either paint the engraved part or leave it as is. You can keep this rock along with the other rocks in your rockery outside your house. You can also place it near the entrance.
Terracotta clay name plates
Some of the unique home name plate design ideas may include clay name plates. They are made when clay is solidified and is framed according to the shape you desire on a potter’s wheel. It is then uniquely handcrafted for any inlay design like a motif or etched house numbers. Once it is dried, a sand paper is used to even out its surface. It is placed in a kiln until the product is ready. What makes it the best name plate for homes is that they are biodegradable and eco-friendly. They are portable and scratch-proof. It is also easily washable.
Personalized name plates for your home

Personalized name plates, of course, require a more personal touch. Whether you want to go the DIY way or get it designed by a professional, a carefully thought-out idea gives an extra edge to the name plate you hang out the front door. For instance, if you love nature you can go for hand pressed flowers on your name plate. Or maybe use a planter name plate for your house. You can also go for an upturned shovel in your garden and paint it your desired colour. Fix it in the garden patch outside your house and paint your house number on it.
If you are more into creative name plates for homes, then create one using felt cloth. You can trace and cut out an animal of your choice — maybe a cat, a small puppy or a family of owls. Even if you look up stylish name plates for homes on the internet, this is one of the first ideas to pop up in searches. Paste it on a wooden tile you have in spare at home. And just above the owl family write down your house number and house name to make the perfect address name plates.
If you are a tenant and you still want to have a personalized name plate, you can make one using any of the above ideas. Regardless of how strict the owners are, there are always decorating hacks for renters that can add a personal touch to your temporary arrangement without even investing too much. You can always take your customized name plate whenever you wish to move out.
Fancy name plates for homes

To make a fancy name plate for your home, you can use material as simple as string to craft beautiful and unique home name plate designs. A string name plate is fairly easy to make. All you need is a ball of coloured string. Use wood as the base of your name plate. Take a rectangle piece of wooden piece. Trace out the house name and house number on it. Now, place the nails on the wooden board using a hammer in a close-knit fashion. Take the string and start covering the nails with it in a zigzag way. This will create a stunning art name plate for your home with little effort.
Modern name plates for homes
If all these unique home name plate designs for do not tantalize your creative buds, then there’s more you can explore.
You can go for modern name plates for your home, comprising wooden bases, but you can add metallic numbers to give it a contemporary look. There are also metal numbers stenciled out on wooden boards. You can also go minimalist by taking a square steel name plate and leaving it all blank and letting your house number inscribed on it in a corner. This gives more clarity in terms of reading and also looks quite neat.
So, what are you waiting for? Are you excited to try out these simple yet creative name plate ideas for your home? For more stylish home décor ideas and designs, stay tuned to the best lifestyle blog in Pakistan.