Home » Home Decor » Creating a sustainable landscape for your home
Sustainability has become a popular concern for many industries. It has lately commanded particular interest in home construction, interiors, and home management circles. For others, sustainability is a way of life; not just a trend. With growing concerns over deteriorating environmental conditions and wasted natural resources, sustainability is now a modern-day necessity.
Making your home sustainable offers both personal and social benefits. As you fulfil your responsibility of being a better community member, you end up saving money too. Sustainable homes also gain more value on the market due to their ever-rising demand.
Making home interiors smarter and energy-efficient is a trendy subject. But it is also possible to make outdoor landscapes sustainable. In fact, having a landscape, in and of itself, comprises a step towards sustainability.
Here are a few ideas to consider for creating a sustainable landscape.
1.Prefer local flora
Your garden should feature local plants. These will naturally fit right in, since they respond positively to the local climate. And what’s more, you will save money and effort as they won’t require much maintenance.
2.Automate the landscape
It is time to get rid of traditional watering methods. You can save water and lower utility bills with an automated irrigation system. And save yourself from a lot of stress at the same time! Consult your home automation provider to learn how to connect the water controllers to the system. Using your smartphone, you can also keep a constant check on irrigation levels.
3.Food sustainability
Growing your own herbs, vegetables, and fruits yields fresh produce, and gives an aesthetic appeal to the landscape. Some of the herbs also have a prominent scent that can add to the ambience of your surroundings.
4.Rooftop landscaping
This is a unique and beneficial idea to try on your home. Your rooftop will definitely come to life as a result; enhancing your home décor. These overhead gardens also reduce heat absorption from your roof. This promotes your house’s energy-efficiency profile.
5.Smart hardscaping
You can enhance sustainability with hardscape elements too. For pavers, the permeable variety fares better. These feature a layer of hard material, which is separated by joints filled with stones. The stones help with water filtration; reducing pollutants.
This paving method also prevents water runoff.
For other outdoor hard surfaces like driveways, walkways, and terraces, consider recycled concrete and composite wood. The winning formula for you to remember here is: more longevity, less maintenance.
6.Encourage wildlife
Grow enough foliage and flowers to attract bees, birds, and small animals. These pollinators are important for maintaining the ecosystem. And they prefer living in habitats that feature grass, shrubs, and trees (for food and shelter purposes).
7.Pest control
Pest control products and fertilisers should be used with caution. Don’t exceed the recommended amount and use in the right seasons. When using chemical agents, it is highly recommended to consult professionals first.
8.Energy-efficient lighting
For outdoors illumination, install LED or solar-powered lights. It is better to seek strategic locations and angles before setting up the fixtures. This way, you will get better illumination with only a few pieces of hardware. Now who wouldn’t like to save costs in this way?
If you’ve got your own ideas about sustainable landscaping, share them in the comments section below.