Home » Construction » Complete Construction Cost to Build an A+ Category 10 Marla House in Pakistan
In This Post:
– Grey Structure Costs
– Finishing Costs
You have bought land and now you want to construct your dream home. If you have adequate finances, you would want to invest more money into the project, adding convenience and comfort wherever possible. A plus category houses in Pakistan are built using construction materials of a superior quality than the A category ones. For anyone wanting to construct an A+ category residential unit from scratch, this blog is for you. First, you will lay the foundation of the house and then add flooring, kitchen countertops, wall paint and install fancy bathroom fixtures as part of the finishing of the house. We will walk you through the painstaking construction process one step at a time. Without wasting our time, let us now calculate the complete construction cost of an A+ category 10 marla house.
So, without further ado, let us take a look at the detailed budget.
Let us first take a look at the specifications of the house under consideration.
The covered area for a double-story 10 marla house is 3,300 sq. ft. The ground floor is of 1,650 per sq. ft. and the first floor is of 1,550 sq. ft. The mumtee is of 100 sq. ft. The house specifications are such as: There are five bedrooms with attached bathrooms, two kitchens, a terrace on the first floor and a mumtee on the second floor.

One of the first steps that you should take to construct a house in Pakistan is to calculate the quantity and rate of material used in laying the foundation and basic structure of the house. For this purpose, we will take the help of the covered area mentioned above and determine the quantity of materials used in the grey structure of an A+ category 10 marla house. Then we shall check out the current market rates of the construction materials.
To build the grey structure of an A+ category 10 marla house, the following high quality construction materials are needed: Bricks, cement, kassu, rebar, sand, bajri, installation of a fancy gate and safety grills.
To calculate the construction cost of the grey structure of an A+ category house, we must also calculate the plumbing costs of the house and the intricate web of electrical wiring that will be placed around the house when laying the foundation of a 10 marla unit.
A house can not be constructed without a team of reliable labourers. That is why we will first discuss how much labour costs would be incurred in constructing an A+ category marla home in Pakistan.
Let’s check them out.
The rate of labourers usually changes every year. To calculate the construction cost of an A+ category 10 marla house in 2020, we will check the rate of labourers. PKR 375 per sq. ft. is the current labour rate in Pakistan. This would take the total amount to around PKR 1,237,500.
Labour Cost = PKR 1,237,500

As the house has a covered area of 3,300 sq. ft. it would approximately need 90,000 bricks to lay the house’s foundation. The Awwal category of bricks is of superior quality. It is available at the rate of PKR 14.5 which means that the total cost of bricks would be PKR 1,305,000.
When constructing the grey structure of an A+ category 10 marla house, sand, crush and gravel is also required. We will first discuss sand.
There are two kinds of sand used in the process – Ravi and Chenab. Around 7,000 cubic feet of Ravi sand is used at the rate of PKR 20 per cubic feet. So, a total of PKR 140,000 cubic feet of Ravi sand is used.
The sand of river Chenab has higher rates because it is of better quality. You would however need less amount of Chenab sand to lay the foundation of an A+ category 10 marla home. Around 1,200 cubic feet of Chenab sand at the rate of PKR 35 is used, taking the total to PKR 42,000.
Crush or gravel is used to make the base structure of floors and roof in the house. You would need approximately 1,600 cubic feet of Margalla lintel which is mostly used in constructing the roof of the house. The rate is PKR 75 per cubic feet which means around PKR 120,000 would be needed. Sargodha gravel is used in building the floor of the house. 1000 cubic feet of Sargodha crush would be required to build the grey structure of an A+ category 10 marla house at a PKR 65 per cubic feet rate. A total of PKR 65,000 Sargodha gravel is required. Rori costs around PKR 35,000.
Cost for Bricks, Sand, Crush and Rori = PKR 1,707,000
CEMENT, Kassu and Rebar
Kassu is mostly used to fill empty plots and it is a mixture of mitti and sand. Around PKR 85,000 are required for Kassu.
Cement is used in the plastering and many other things during construction. For a 5 marla house, approximately 800 cement bags are required at the rate of PKR 495 per bag. The total cost of cement used in the grey house structure of a 5 marla house would be PKR 396,000.
Rebar is also used which is basically Sarya of 60 grade. Around 5 tons or 5000 kg of Sarya would be used to construct a 5 marla house. The rate per ton of Sarya is PKR 105 and the total cost of Sarya used would be PKR 525,000.
Cost of Cement, Kassu and Rebar = PKR 1,006,000
One of the important components in house construction is installation of pipes and plumbing systems. A good quality plumbing system requires less repairs and maintenance costs. Therefore, in an A+ category house, you can expect some quality work.
Not only plumbing, you also need to set up electrical wiring in the house. PKR 135,000 will be required to install the gas, drainage pipes and other plumbing systems in an A+ category 10 marla house. Please note that you can’t carry all the above-mentioned tasks on your own. You would need to hire the services of a plumber to do the job professionally.
An electrician will place electric wires around the house at appropriate places. This will cost you approximately PKR 115,000.
Cost of Plumbing & Wiring = PKR 250,000
Apart from installing plumbing and electric systems into your 10 marla unit, you will also have to calculate the amount of steel used in the house. Chougat Steel of around PKR 76,500 is needed.
To construct an A+ 10 marla house in Pakistan, you also need to have a fancy main gate for which you should keep an estimated budget of PKR 95,000 and for the safety grills PKR 95,000 would be needed.
Cost of Grills, Gate and Chougat Steel = PKR 266,500
An overhead water tank is also a part of the grey structure costs.
Termite spray is also equally important to control termite infestation which can eat away the foundations of a house making them weak. Approximately PKR 18,000 is needed to construct the overhead tank.
To control termite infestation you would need approximately PKR 35,000 for the chemical spray.
Cost of miscellaneous items = PKR 53,000
Construction Cost of the Grey Structure of an A+ 10 Marla House in 2020 = PKR 4,520,000

As shown in the detailed infographic above, there are many construction jobs involved in the finishing of a 10 marla house – A+ category. Please note the sub-totals for different categories have been highlighted in the infographic. You can find the details of these figures under different headings below.
People constructing a 10 marla house in Pakistan go for stylish tiles to decorate the flooring of the house. Good quality Master tiles are preferred in high-end houses such as the A+ category ones in Pakistan. Here is a breakdown of the tiles used in the house.

- Around 280 Master tiles at the rate of PKR 2,500 are used in the house flooring. Remember, this does not include the garage, terrace and bathroom tiles. The total cost in the flooring, excluding the above-mentioned tiles would be PKR 700,000
- There will be around 135 Turkish or Spanish tiles needed to lay the bathroom flooring. The rate of the tiles is at a higher rate i.e. of PKR 3,500 sq. mtr. which would bring the total cost to build the bathroom’s flooring to PKR 472,500.
- You would need 22 tiles at the rate of PKR 2,000 per sq. mtr. The total cost incurred in laying the floor of the terrace of a 10 marla home would be PKR 44,000
- In building the car porch or garage you would need 55 Master tiles at the rate of PKR 2,000 per sq. mtr. making the total cost to be PKR 110,000
- You need to hire a professional labourer to carry out the above-mentioned tasks as the pasting of the tiles is no easy task. You need to hire experts for this. The cost to hire labourers for tiles would be PKR 210,000
- Granite Marble is used in building the staircase and also in the kitchen’s countertop and shelves. For marble stairs, you would need approximately PKR 95,000 and the kitchen countertop would cost your PKR 30,000
Cost for Tiles and Marble = PKR 1,661,500

In order to calculate the cost to build a 10 marla house in Pakistan, one needs to determine the costs involved in electrical components as well. These electrical components comprise breakers, switchboards, lights, chandeliers, placement of fans. None of these tasks can be done without hiring an electrician. Let us take a look at the costs incurred in placing electrical components around the house.
- You would need around 25 metalite switchboards and push buttons at the rate of PKR 1,500. These would be a bit fancy and therefore the higher rates. A total of PKR 37,500 would be needed in installing the 15 switchboards
- Around 23 power plugs and sockets are used at the rate of PKR 900 which will take the total to PKR 20,700
- For placing expensive chandeliers to installing fancy show lights in the house, the cost incurred would be PKR 315,000
- 14 Royal and GFC fans in total, costing around PKR 8,500 per unit, would be used. This means a total budget of PKR 119,000 should be reserved for installing fans
- You would need at least 7 GFC exhaust fans in the house. Four of them will be installed in the bathrooms and two in the kitchen. One exhaust fan would cost you PKR 2,500 making a total of PKR 17,500. Shenieder Breakers of PKR 60,000 are also required.
- An electrician would be needed to carry out the above-mentioned tasks. He would need PKR 30,000.
Cost for Electrical components = PKR 599,700

For an A+ category house in Pakistan, everything should be classy and up-to-the-standards. Oulin Kitchens will be installed which would cost PKR The cost of installing an Oulin Kitchen would be PKR 350,000. So, the total cost to install two Oulin Kitchens would be PKR 700,000.
To calculate the construction cost of an A+ category 10 marla house, you will need to find out the costs incurred in building a stylish bathroom. Many modern accessories and imported sanitary fittings would go into it.
- Three Porta/Marachi counter-vanity sets would be placed at the rate of PKR 15,000. The total cost of the vanity sets would be PKR 45,000
- There would be two Porta or Marachi built-in vanity cabins at the rate of PKR 30,000. The total cost incurred would be PKR 60,000
- You would also need to install three high-quality Porta or Marachi commodes in the washrooms. The rate of each commode would be PKR 15,000, taking the total cost to PKR 45,000
- Two wall-mounted commodes of Grohe brand would be installed in two of the bathrooms. PKR 35,000 would be needed. A total of PKR 70,000 would be incurred in installing the commodes
- Five Master Gold or Italian bath sets would be installed at the rate of PKR 30,000. This means a total of PKR 150,000 would be needed to construct a fancy washroom
- Five bath hangings of Master brand would be used. One bath hanging would cost PKR 8,500, taking the total to PKR 42,500
- A tempered glass shower cabin will cost you PKR 100,000
- The cost to hire a plumber for all the above-mentioned tasks would be PKR 30,000
Cost for Kitchen & Bath Accessories = PKR 700,000+ 542,500 = 1,242,500

The paint job should be ideally done after you have installed the switchboards and light fixtures so that no drilling work leaves any mark on the walls. Painting a newly built house is tougher since it requires careful application of the base coat. You, therefore, need a professional painter to do the job for you. We have included the painter’s cost in this. It is estimated to be around PKR 750,000.
For the exterior, rockwall is mostly used. In rockwall, marble chips are used. First the wall is plastered and cleaned, then the base coat using acrylic and white sand is applied. The base coat is very important as it strengthens the walls. The total cost in the rockwall is PKR 60,000.
The rate for false ceiling including material and for any design is PKR 75 per sq. ft. It would cost you PKR 107,250.
Cost for Paint and Ceiling = 1,027,500
To calculate the cost of a 10 marla house in Pakistan, installation of windows and mirrors is also included. Aluminium and glass work in houses includes double-glazed windows, wire mesh and glass panes. The cost of aluminium windows and glass is PKR 415,000. Mirrors would cost PKR 50,000. For the staircase, railings are needed; for that you’d need to shell out around PKR 150,000.
Cost of Windows and Mirrors = PKR 615,000
To calculate the construction cost of an A+ category 10 marla house in 2020, we would need to find out the costs involved in the woodwork. Wood is used in different parts of the house in the form of wardrobes, kitchen cabinets, doors, bathroom cabinets and decorative racks in the living room and drawing-room.
There would be Oulin doors that would cost you PKR 575,000. The Oulin wardrobes would cost you PKR 360,000. An Oulin LCD rack would be for PKR 100,000. The brass door handles of PKR 50,000 will be used in the house.
Cost for Woodwork = PKR 1,085,000
Miscellaneous Costs
You can also add bright wallpaper to the house, which will cost you PKR 200,000. There will be CCTV cameras installed in the house to ensure the security of the inhabitants. In an A+ category house, an automatic gate would also be included. The CCTV cameras would cost PKR 35,000. A remote-controlled gate would cost PKR 85,000.
Cost for Miscellaneous Items = PKR 320,000
Total cost in the finishing of an A+ category 10 marla house = PKR 6,401,200
That sums up the construction cost of an A+ category of a 10 marla house. Let us combine the grey structure costs and the finishing costs to get the final budget for an A+ category 10 marla house in Pakistan.
Total construction cost of a 10 marla house in 2020 = PKR 4,520,000 + PKR 6,401,200
= PKR 10,921,200
So, this is how PKR 10,921,200 would be the complete construction cost of an A+ category 10 marla house in 2020.
It’s important to remember the rates mentioned above are applicable in case someone decides to build a house in Pakistan on their own. If you hire a contractor to construct your house, then you will end up with a higher estimate than the one mentioned above, as the contractor will see the entire project, procure the building material and ensure everything is completed on time. Therefore, the construction cost of building an A+ category 10 marla house through a contractor will vary, as per the agreement between the contractor and the owner.
For more updates and construction trends, stay tuned to the most reliable property and construction blog in Pakistan. You can also check out the complete construction cost of an A category 10 marla unit. If you are planning to build a 5 marla house, then take a look at the construction cost of an A category 5 marla house.
For those who are looking to buy land before building a house, then choose your area from these major cities in Pakistan: Lahore, Karachi, Islamabad, Multan. Do share your feedback with us on blog@zameen.com. Don’t forget to subscribe to the Zameen Newsletter appearing on the right hand side of the page. Follow us on Facebook and Instagram.
Note: The rates quoted in this article are from March 2020. The rates in the article have been sourced from Mr. Kashif Mehmood, CEO of Alpha Construction Company. He is available at 0310-4811578