The Capital Development Authority (CDA) through its online portal has made it easy for residents of Islamabad to register any grievances related to basic civic issues. There is a specific page – CDA’s Complaint Management System – where people can lodge their complaints anytime, anywhere. So, the next time you are facing any problems while standing on the roads of Islamabad or any issues linked with CDA and its adjacent departments you only need to submit a form and get the problem fixed.
Here Is How You Can Register a Complaint Via Cda’s Complaint Management System
Apart from online services, there are helpline numbers and mobile numbers dedicated to registering public complaints from 8:00 AM till 6:00 PM. But if you are a bit tech-savvy and want to file a complaint without getting into the hassle of dialing a number and waiting for the call to be received from the other end, then CDA’s Complaint Management System is meant just for you. Without further ado, let us help you out with the process.
Firstly, visit CDA’s website and open up CDA’s Complaint Management System page which you will find under the e-services tab. Then click on ‘Register New Complaint.’ A form will appear. Fill out the basic personal details in the form i.e. the name, Email ID, street address and mobile number. All of these fields are mandatory to fill in, especially the mobile number, because unless you give your proper and updated contact information you will not receive alerts related to your registered complaint.
Now comes the street location part where you have to enter the residential area of Islamabad of which the complaint is about. There is a long list of housing areas, like G-10, F-11, D-12, E-11 and Bhara Kahu.
Once you have selected the location, you need to choose from a drop down list of common problems that residents of the capital city face on a daily basis. For example, if it is sewerage, sanitation, property matters, roads maintenance, building plan violation, traffic issues, health services, illegal construction within property, land rehabilitation and acquisition issues, encroachment on CDA’s land, approval of building plans for private housing schemes and issues pertaining to water supply can be selected.
In case the above list does not have the problem that is affecting you, you can write in detail in a separate complaint box, or if you think you need to describe in detail about the grievance, then write it down in the comments section. Moreover, if you think you should attach files related to property complaints you can also do that at the end of the CDA’s complaint form. Click on the submit button once you have filled all the necessary details.
You can also track your complaint by clicking on the Track Complaint tab. Fill in your mobile number or ticket ID and get the status online. Against each registered complaint, a tracking number will be issued. The SMS and email notifications will also be shared to update the complainant about any recent development regarding their relevant complaint.
Most Common Complaints Received by the CDA

Lack of proper water supply is one of the most common issues faced by the residents of Islamabad as per the report shared by the Complaint Management System. According to a news report published on the official civic agency’s website, “During the first quarter of the year 2017, 398 complaints regarding water supply, 304 regarding street lights, 215 regarding sanitation, 187 regarding sewerage, 42 pertaining to enforcement, 32 pertaining to Environment, 27 regarding Road infrastructure and 21 regarding Maintenance were registered with Chief Complaint Office, while 50 complaints regarding other departments and issues were also received by the Chief Complaint Office. Month wise 592 complaints were received in the month of March, 377 during February and 308 in the month of January was received and addressed by the Chief Complaint Office of the CDA.”
Mobile Van Service to Redress Public Grievances
A mobile complaint van service is also part of the CDA’s Complaint Management System that helps in an early resolve of public issues and grievances. Through this mobile van service, a survey of different residential areas is carried out. This is done in order to address the common issues the public faces on a daily basis.
The purpose of these mobile vans is to take people’s problems into account and bring them to the authority’s notice for timely action. In order to achieve desired results from mobile van complaints service, different teams have been allocated, which are targeting different areas of the city on a daily basis to record the complaints from the residents of these areas. Apart from this, these van services also provide on spot water quality testing service.
So, this was all there was to know about how CDA’s online portal for complaints. Islamabad has given residents of the capital city a voice! If you would like to share anything about CDA’s Complaint Management System and its performance then do share your thoughts with us at In case you are interested in knowing about the Intelligent Traffic System in Islamabad, then do read our detailed piece on this: CDA’s route planner app in Islamabad.
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