Himalayan salt lamps are made from the salt extracted from Khewra salt mines in Pakistan. These articles have many advantages. They not only add a decorative touch to your room by giving a pink glow, but they also have numerous benefits that can boost your health and well-being.
These pink salt crystals not only light up a room, but also help purify the air in your house, soothe allergies and provide relief to asthmatic patients suffering from breathing issues. In this blog, we will discuss some of the health benefits of having a Himalayan salt lamp in the house.
Benefits of Having a Himalayan Salt Lamp in Your House
These pink crystals bring health and wellness into the house, uplifting the overall mood of the occupants and providing relief to patients suffering from any respiratory diseases. Let’s explore some of the amazing health benefits of having a Himalayan salt lamp in your room.
- Improves air quality
- Uplifts mood
- Aids in sound sleep
- Helps in breathing problems
- Calms allergies and effects of common flu
- Reduces stress
- Raises energy levels and boosts performance
Let’s discuss each of these points one by one.
Improves air quality
There are quite many ways to improve the air quality at home. Having a Himalayan salt lamp detoxifies a room, removing negative ions. This promotes a feeling of health and goodness. Ions are compounds that carry an electric charge. Whenever there is an unbalance in the number of protons and electrons a charge is built up – also known as static electricity.
A benefit of having a Himalayan salt lamp in your room is that it neutralizes the effects of electromagnetic radiation. So, the positive ions released from your electronic appliances like TV, washing machine, lights, fans etc. is canceled out by the negative ions released from the Himalayan salt lamp. This in turn helps improve the air quality in your room, making you feel fresh and bright all day.
Uplifts mood

Positive ions released due to electromagnetic radiation can increase your chances of having seasonal depression. With the help of a Himalayan salt lamp in the room, negative ions are released neutralizing the effect and making the environment in your room positive.
If you suffer from bouts of depression, then keeping pink salt crystals will help uplift your mood and increase positivity.
Aids in sound sleep

People suffering from insomnia or those who have trouble getting sleep can take advantage of Himalayan salt lamps. How? Studies show that the positive ions released in the air block the supply of oxygen to the brain, thus creating irregular sleep patterns.
They also give a soothing dim light that can create a calming effect on your nerves, which in turn helps you to fall into deep sleep.
Helps in breathing problems

It is claimed that Himalayan salt lamps release negative ions which help in filtering out foreign particles that can clog your lungs and cause irritation and breathing problems in asthmatic patients.
One of the many benefits of having a Himalayan salt lamp in your room is that you won’t have the usual asthma symptoms. It also locks down contaminated water droplets into its salt crystals. It has the powerful ability to remove the effects of cigarette smoke and dust. This brings us to our next point – allergies.
Calms allergies and effects of common flu

If you are prone to allergies and are the first to get the seasonal cough and cold, then it is time to add the pink crystal globe in your room. It will help soothe allergies, relieve symptoms of cough and cold, while at the same time improving your respiratory conditions.
Himalayan salt lamps help filter out mould, mildew, dust and pet dander from indoor air. Just like a nasal saline spray helps clear away airways, it alleviates all allergy related symptoms providing you ease and comfort. So, before the next seasonal flu or allergy strikes, light this pink salt lamp in your room.
Reduces stress
The benefit of having a Himalayan salt lamp in your room is that it produces a soft glow in orange and pink hues. These soft colours play a positive part in controlling stress-inducing factors. Those who have anxiety attacks, stress managing issues or attention deficit order can find peace and tranquility in the presence of a salt lamp.
Raises energy levels and boosts performance

Negative ions are proven to provide oxygen and blood supply to the brain. Another biggest advantage of Himalayan salt lamps is that it helps improve concentration levels due to the increase in blood supply to the brain. The negative ions released from the salt lamp helps increase the energy levels, just like you feel after spending some time in nature.
So, these were some of the best advantages of having a Himalayan salt lamp in your house. You can also check out these amazing ways to purify air at home.
It is also important to follow these cleaning tips at home during the coronavirus outbreak in Pakistan. Don’t forget to write to us at blog@zameen.com and we will surely get back to you. Subscribe to the Zameen Newsletter appearing on the right hand side of the page. Keep visiting Zameen Blog, the best real estate and property blog in Pakistan for regular updates.