Punjaab Estates
Agency Staff
About Punjaab Estates
We have been serving in the real estate business since 1997 by the grace of ALLAH. We can humbly say that our company is efficiently serving our country country men. We have developed ourselves particularly to tailor our expertise for very valuable honorable expatriates from Europe, Middle East, USA, Gulf etc. We believe in converting very precious foreign exchange of our investors clients into high profits best quality of life.Snap shot of services over 4 million square feet is transacted successfully.Punjaab Estates today represent corporations and institutions of all sizes. By effectively marshaling our extensive expertise, research capabilities, advanced technology and dedication to client service, we have earned a reputation for service excellence and productivity in the industry. The extent to which we enhance our client's business determines our own success. We enjoy the trust of some of the following business leaders many well known individuals including Bank Alfalah NIB Bank EFU Insurance Ltd. Zameen.comImzee Consulting Pvt Ltd.Pearl Petro Pvt Ltd Beacon House ICBC Industrial Commercial Bank of China HUAWEI TechnologiesHuaneng Shandong Energy Pvt LTD Alamgir Group of Companies Punjab Energy Department Rahim Group Pvt Ltd. Ferozesons Publishers Pvt Ltd. Siza Pharmaceuticals Razi Pharmaceuticals Taj Medical Travellers Center Allenora pvt Ltd. Honorary Consulate of Spain Next Bridge Software House Saad Oriental Carpets Gulshan Carpets Daewoo Pakistan UNICEF. Comsats IT Institute.We offer salepurchase leasing transaction services throughout Lahore Punjab Pakistan Commercial buildingsplotsplazasshops. Residential plots bungalow Agricultural land Industrial land buildingsWe have achieved remarkable success in the past few years in all the major societies, posh area and commercial roads of Lahore. As this historic city is emerging rapidly as an international metropolitan city.We have remained true to our fundamental values of professional client service, integrity, respect, dignity loyalty. These qualities continue to shape Punjab Estates carry out our mission to help our clients succeed by delivering superior real estate services.