CM Consultants

Lahore, Pakistan

Agency Staff

CM Consultants (C.E.O)

About CM Consultants

Our mission is to provide investors with superior returns through an investment in real estate business. Real estate investing can be very profitable, but at the same time it can also be very risky.To overcome such risks and make your life easy, please contact us with your needs. We deal in all kinds of Cooperative Housing Societies and Private Societies in Punjab.We deal in the following city Lahore

CM Consultants


It is the source of great pride for me when somebody asks me about my realty firm, City Marketing. Well, after complete analysis of the real estate trend in Lahore, we came at the conclusion that this industry gonna be an excellent one after sometime. Since then we took a start with the name of Allah S.W.T. and experienced great success in this sector till now. Currently, we are one of the leading real estate agencies Cooperative Housing Societies and Private Societies in Lahore.

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