Syed Brothers Pvt Ltd. (Ph:2 Johar Town)
Agency Staff
About Syed Brothers Pvt Ltd. (Ph:2 Johar Town)
AOA, respected SirMadamSyed brothers pvt Ltd. real estate consultants and builders Alhamdulillah 7 branches in Lahore,we deal in sale purchase and rent in DHA, Gulberg, Model town, Wapda Town, NFC, Tariq Garden, Johar town, PcsirII and all posh areas in Lahore. If you like to Salepurchase in these areas Please contact us. We also make Construction, designing, interior and exterior.

Syed Brothers Valencia
It is our pleasure to welcome you to one of the leading Organization. We are delighted to have you on board as Syed Real Estate & Builder continues to establish itself as the leading provider of the real estate's services. We are committed & have strong believe in provision of outstanding services in the field of real estate. Syed Real Estate & Builder was established for the purpose of customer satisfaction. We feel our self-confident to meet the future challenges as we have professional group of Marketing & Land Developing who are endeavoring for new horizons of excellence. We are ambitious of forward looking, innovation and willing to try new approaches and partnerships.