Khawajas Real Estate Advisors

Lahore, Pakistan
20 for Sale
9 for Rent

Properties By Khawajas Real Estate Advisors

Agency Staff

Kh Yasser (CEO)

About Khawajas Real Estate Advisors

Khawaja's are serving the real estate market for the last 15 years and try to provide their best and professional services to there clients.Our mottos is to provide the maximum satisfaction to our client, we specialize and act an as exclusive agent to deal in all kinds of real estate market and property in Defence Housing Authourity, Lahore Pakistan,Kindly give us the opportunity to prove our services in your favor.

Kh Yasser


Khawaja Estate wants to be a blessing for all common people who are new to real estate world and property buying and selling is alien thing for them. We work to make them understand about real estate trends, investments and ROI possibilities in this industry.

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