Constrade Group Developers & Builders
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About Constrade Group Developers & Builders
You can benefit from the assistance of a trustworthy and knowledgeable resource. Our sales and rental associates are equipped with the training and expertise to guide you through the process of buying, selling or renting both commercial and residential properties in Karachi.

Farhan Rajput
CEOWe are the leading realtor, Builder & Developer Company since 1980. CONSTRADE GROUP DEVELOPER & BUILDER. We also develop properties BOT / TURN KEY BASIS & JOINT VENTURE terms. MANAGING DIRECTOR "FARHAN RAJPUT". FRUITS OF REAL ESTATE I am the basis of all wealth, the heritage of the wise, the thrifty and prudent. I am the poor man's joy and comfort, the rich man's prize, the right hand of capital, the silent partner of many thousand of successful men. I am the solace of the widow, the comfort of old age, the corner stone of security against misfortune and want. I am handed down to children through generations, as a thing of greatest worth. I am the choicest fruit of toil. Credit respect me. yet i am humble. I stand before every man bidding him know me for what i am and possess me. I am growing in value through countless days. though i seem dormant, my worth increases never falling, never ceasing. Time is my aid and populations heap up my gain. fire and the elements i defy, for they cannot destroy me. I am increasing in strength. the centuries find me younger. My possessors learn to believe in me, invariably they become envied. while all things wither and decay, I survive.. I am trust worthy, I am sound. The thriftless speak ill of me. The charlatans of finance attack me. unfailingly i triumph and detractors are disproved. I am producer of food, the basis for ships and factories, the foundation of banks. minerals and oils come from me. I am so common that thousands, unthinkingly and unknowingly pass me by. COURTESY: CONSTRADE GROUP DEVELOPERS & BUILDERS.