Bismillah Property (Real Estate Advisor)

Karachi, Pakistan
29 for Sale

Properties By Bismillah Property (Real Estate Advisor)

Agency Staff

Muhammad Sufyan Pasta (memon) (CEO)

About Bismillah Property (Real Estate Advisor)

Bismillah Property is a symbol of trust to its clients. Our clients feel complete satisfaction while they are buying, selling or renting their property through us.They get the real value for their property when they sell or buy a property.We specially deal in GulshaneIqbal We will provide you with best and most attractive real estate opportunities, Inshallah. If you wish to sell, purchase or rent residential or commercial properties in Karachi then please contact us. Thank You

Muhammad Sufyan Pasta (memon)


Bismillah Property is a symbol of trust to its clients. Our clients feel complete satisfaction while they are buying, selling or renting their property through us. They get the real value for their property when they sell or buy a property. We specially deal in Gulshan-e-Iqbal We will provide you with best and most attractive real estate opportunities, Inshallah. If you wish to sell, purchase or rent residential or commercial properties in Karachi then please contact us. Thank You!

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